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Girls participating in speech and language therapy for children in Mount Prospect, IL

Speech & Language Therapy for Children Ages 2-10

Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect, Illinois

Welcome to The Talking Lady!

The Talking Lady is dedicated to helping your child speak clearly, understand what they hear and read, and express themselves with confidence! Maura strives to make speech therapy a convenient and positive experience by focusing on your family as a whole and working toward goals that improve your quality of life. Whether your child needs speech therapy at home, daycare, school, or online, Maura can make the process convenient and engaging! 


Evaluation & Therapy Services

Child working on improving his speech sounds through speech therapy


Is your child's speech difficult to understand? Speech therapy sessions combine sound practice with your child's unique interests to make learning fun - including board games, books, crafts, technology (iPad or computer), and engaging sensory and motor activities. 

Child participating in play-based language therapy to improve her language skills


A play-based approach can help your child understand and use new gestures, sounds, words, and phrases. Maura's specialized training in gestalt language processing (GLP), supports natural language development in children who use delayed echolalia and scripting to communicate!

Child who is non-speaking using an AAC app on a tablet during speech therapy


When a child is non-speaking or struggles to communicate through speech alone, talking and using visuals at the same time can support language development. Whether your child benefits from the use of photos, basic sign language, or a high-tech communication device, all means of communication are honored.


Meet Maura

Maura Tulig, M.S., CCC-SLP


Maura is a speech therapist with over 11 years of experience providing services in children's homes, schools, and multidisciplinary clinics. She is passionate about working with children and loves showing parents that they have what it takes to help their child's communication skills flourish at home! 


As a mom of two busy boys - one of whom has received physical and occupational therapy - Maura understands what it's like to be on both sides of the table... and how it feels to be really, really busy! She is committed to using her personal and professional knowledge to make your family's therapy journey a  successful and positive experience.


Maura has supported students in blended and special education preschool classrooms, co-taught with special education teachers, and worked closely with related service staff. She especially enjoys working with young neurodiverse children, including those who are Autistic and those who have ADHD, Down Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, and other genetic conditions. She has extensive expertise and interest in supporting children who are non-speaking, use limited verbal language, or have speech sound disorders. She also has advanced training in Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) as a therapy framework for gestalt language processors (GLPs).

It's Easy to Get Started!

Step One

Call or text The Talking Lady (Maura) at 847-752-9554 to discuss your child's communication skills, share your concerns, and get your questions answered.

Step Two

Participate in a free speech and language screening and consultation either in-person or online. In-person screenings are provided in homes, private schools and daycares in Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, and surrounding areas. Screenings can also be completed in Maura's office located in Arlington Heights. A screening will give a snapshot of your child's communication skills and help determine if Maura's specialized services will be the best fit for your child's needs. 

Step Three

The Talking Lady is a Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL (PPO and Blue Choice Options) provider. Provide your insurance card and all billing will be processed. If you have another insurance provider, contact them if you would like to learn more about the possibility of reimbursement for out-of-network speech therapy services. Ask about their requirements. You'll be given necessary documentation to aid in this process!

Step Four

Schedule an initial evaluation and ongoing therapy sessions. Complete intake paperwork online at least one week prior to the initial evaluation session. Speech therapy will begin following the evaluation session and you will receive a written report and treatment plan within two weeks. 

Getting Started

Speech Therapy is Offered...

At Home, Private Schools, and Daycares

Speech therapy is provided in your child's natural environment. Maura travels to homes, private schools, and daycares located in Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, and surrounding areas.

In our Arlington Heights Office

Some families prefer to have their child seen in an office setting. Therapy sessions are customized based on your child's interests and needs. Parents are welcome to observe therapy sessions. 

The Talking Lady graphic


Teletherapy is an effective and convenient option for busy families who live outside the areas we travel. Children and their families across Illinois can access sessions using a secure virtual platform.

The Talking Lady provides in-person evaluation and therapy services in Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, and surrounding areas. Online services are available to all Illinois residents.

Child with Down Syndrome participating in play-based speech therapy to improve communication skills

All modes of communication are welcome.

- Maura Tulig, M.S., CCC-SLP
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